This site uses JavaScript code for the purpose of analytics, the analytics providers used on this site are:
I understand that there are some visitors that are privacy cautious who wish to remain completely private. You can opt out below:
Opt out of Piwik/Matomo Analytics
Clicking either of the links above sets a cookie in your browser to not send analytics data to the said providers. Please see the following information on opting out in the references.
If that is not enough for you, install either PrivacyBadger, uBlock Origin or the Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on in your browser.
If that is still not enough for you, You can disable JavaScript and still enjoy browsing this site, although expect some features to not work, (i.e Dark Mode).
If you are opted in, this site uses the jekyll_analytics
plugin (for Google Analytics) and a regular script for Piwik/Matomo. The _config.yml
for jekyll_analytics
are set as the following:
anonymizeIp: true
IP addresses are anonymised both for Piwik/Matomo and Google Analytics.